August 12 – 15, 2022
Baltimore Convention Center – Baltimore, MD
Welldoc will be participating in ADCES22, the nation’s premier annual conference covering all things diabetes care, education and technology. Also at the event, don’t miss:
- Dr. Mansur Shomali, Chief Medical Officer at Welldoc, will be presenting on “Implementing/Integrating Technology in Primary Care as a Tech Champion.”
- Malinda Peeples, SVP of Clinical Services, will be presenting on The Diabetes Care and Education Specialist Knocking on the “Digital Front Door: Reducing Barriers, Therapeutic Inertia.”
- Professor Gordon Gao, PhD from Johns Hopkins will be presenting on Welldoc data at ”The Combined Use of rtCGM and a Digital Health Tool Positively Impacts ADCES7 Self-Care Behaviors.”
- Finally, Welldoc will also be presenting a poster presentation.